2025 Syllabus - Speech Arts & Drama - Monologue

Monologue - other than Shakespeare

Perform a Monologue of your own choosing from memory. There are three types of dramatic Monologues: Monologues that address an audience directly; Soliloquies spoken as if the character is alone (revealing inner thoughts); and Speeches directed at another character. If you perform a Speech, you may have another person on stage with you; however, your performance will be the only one evaluated. Time limit: 5 min

ClassEarlybird LiveVirtual
Class:4701 - BeginnerEarlybird Live:$21.00Virtual:$20.00Register
Class:4702 - PrimaryEarlybird Live:$21.00Virtual:$20.00Register
Class:4703 - ElementaryEarlybird Live:$21.00Virtual:$20.00Register
Class:4704 - JuniorEarlybird Live:$24.00Virtual:$23.00Register
Class:4705 - IntermediateEarlybird Live:$24.00Virtual:$23.00Register
Class:4706 - SeniorEarlybird Live:$26.00Virtual:$25.00Register
Class:4707 - OpenEarlybird Live:$26.00Virtual:$25.00Register
Class:4708 - LaterStages (ages 29 & over)Earlybird Live:$26.00Virtual:$25.00Register