2025 Syllabus - Speech Arts & Drama - Memorized Prose

Memorized Prose

Perform a memorized prose selection (fiction, non-fiction or sacred text) from a published source. Standing or seated in a relaxed but controlled position, the soloist delivers the selection making eye contact with the audience. He/she may use gestures for emphasis and, if the prose contains dialogue, should make a vocal distinction between the speakers in the dialogue and the voice of the narrator.

ClassEarlybird LiveVirtual
Class:4687 - BeginnerEarlybird Live:$21.00Virtual:$20.00Register
Class:4688 - Primary - ElementaryEarlybird Live:$21.00Virtual:$20.00Register
Class:4690 - JuniorEarlybird Live:$24.00Virtual:$23.00Register
Class:4691 - IntermediateEarlybird Live:$24.00Virtual:$23.00Register
Class:4692 - SeniorEarlybird Live:$26.00Virtual:$25.00Register
Class:4693 - OpenEarlybird Live:$26.00Virtual:$25.00Register
Class:4694 - Later Stages (ages 29 & over)Earlybird Live:$26.00Virtual:$25.00Register