2024 Results - School Music incl Choirs

School Music incl Choirs - Day 1

1674 - School Music incl Choirs - Choral Speaking K - 8 - Choral Speaking Primary Grades 1-3 (one selection - max. 3 min.)

1stSDCS Gr. 2/3 Choral SpeakingTitles:
Every Time I Climb a Tree (David McCord)

1673 - School Music incl Choirs - Choral Speaking K - 8 - Choral Speaking Kindergarten (own choice)

1stSDCS Senior KindergartenTitles:
The Crocodile (Gareth Lancaster)

1674 - School Music incl Choirs - Choral Speaking K - 8 - Choral Speaking Primary Grades 1-3 (one selection - max. 3 min.)

2ndSDCS Gr. 1/2 Choral SpeakingTitles:
You Are A Beautiful Beginning (Nina Laden)

1675 - School Music incl Choirs - Choral Speaking K - 8 - Choral Speaking Junior Grades 4-6 (one selection - max. 5 min.)

1stAvon Public School - 6TTitles:
Elemenopee by Pamela Hall
2ndAvon Public School - 6YTitles:
What the Road Said by Cleo Wade
2ndSDCS Grade 6/7 Choral SpeakingTitles:
Slinky Malinki (Lynley Dodd)
3rdAvon Public School - 5/6RTitles:
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst

1628a - School Music incl Choirs - Grade Choirs K - 8 - Grade 1 Grade Choir - English Language (one selection)

1stLittle FallsTitles:
Rabbits by W.Herbert Belyea

1659 - School Music incl Choirs - Classroom Choirs K - 8 - Grade 1 Classroom Choir (one selection - own choice)

1stNorth Easthope Public SchoolTitles:
A Cookie for Snip (B.L. Kurth)

1629a - School Music incl Choirs - Grade Choirs K - 8 - Grade 2 Grade Choir - English Language (one selection)

1stLittle FallsTitles:
Monkeys by W. Herbert Belyea

1660 - School Music incl Choirs - Classroom Choirs K - 8 - Grade 2 Classroom Choir (one selection - own choice)

1stNorth Easthope Public SchoolTitles:
I Need a Home for My Dinosaur (D. Rhodenizer)

1661 - School Music incl Choirs - Classroom Choirs K - 8 - Grade 3 Classroom Choir (one selection - own choice)

1stNorth Easthope Public SchoolTitles:
The Monkeys and the Crocodile (U. Kasemets)

1630a - School Music incl Choirs - Grade Choirs K - 8 - Grade 3 Grade Choir - English Language (one selection)

1stLittle FallsTitles:
My Dog Spot by Clifford Crawley
Skye Boat Song by Harold Boulton arr.Malcolm Leonard Lawson

1637 - School Music incl Choirs - School Choirs K - 8 - Primary Choir Grades 1-3

1stÉcole Anne Hathaway Public School Primary ChoirTitles:
All Through the Night

School Music incl Choirs - Day 2

1690 - School Music incl Choirs - Instrumental Ensembles K - 8 - Recorder Group Elementary (two selections - own choice)

1stÉcole Anne Hathaway Recorder EnsembleTitles:
Blue Magic Wombat (M.C. Handel, arr. Paul Jennings)

1691 - School Music incl Choirs - Instrumental Ensembles K - 8 - Ukulele Group Elementary (one or two selections - own choice)

Avon Ukulele Club CANCELLEDTitles:
1stSDCS Gr. 4/5 UkuleleTitles:
Try Everything (Shakira)
(only performing one selection)
2ndÉcole Anne Hathaway Public School Ukulele EnsembleTitles:
Eine Kleine Ukulele Musik (Mozart, arr. K. Kitzemann)

1645 - School Music incl Choirs - School Choirs K - 8 - Girls Choir Grades 1-6 - Unison (one selection - own choice)

1stNorth Easthope Public SchoolTitles:
'There Once Was a Puffin" by Cecil Hampshire

1648 - School Music incl Choirs - School Choirs K - 8 - Mixed Choir Unison Grades 1-6 (two contrasting pieces - own choice)

Downie P.S.Titles:
Reflection (Linda Steen Spevacek), Donkey Riding (arranged by Denise Gagne)
Milverton Public School Grade 1-6 ChoirTitles:
Unknown at this time
École Anne Hathaway Public School Massed ChoirTitles:
V'la L'Bon Vent (Browmsey and Lantz) / She's Like the Swallow (arr. Cassils)

1638 - School Music incl Choirs - School Choirs K - 8 - Junior Choir Grades 4-6 SA

1st with DistinctionAvon Junior ChoirTitles:
Seasons of Love by Jonathan Larson, Arranged by Roger Emerson
2ndLittle FallsTitles:
One Song by Dave and Jean Perry
3rdÉcole Anne Hathaway Public School Junior ChoirTitles:
One Song (David and Jean Perry)