Peter and Audrey Switzer Trophy Room

strings - Sister Valentia Senior String Trophy

Donated By: Sister M. Valentia, Waterloo
First Presented: 1982
Criteria: Strings Ensemble

Sister Valentia served on the Kiwanis Music Festival's Music Selection Committee (strings) from 1964 through 1988. She was a music teacher in the Waterloo area who brought large numbers of her students to compete in the Stratford Festival for many years. Sister Valentia participated in the Festival herself in the Open String Quartet Class in 1955.


2024GRCI Senior Strings Ensemble

Eligible Classes

StringsLarge Ensemble - Strings1436Junior - Ages 13 - 14
StringsLarge Ensemble - Strings1437Intermediate - Ages 15 - 16
StringsLarge Ensemble - Strings1438Senior - Ages 17 - 18
StringsLarge Ensemble - Strings1439Advanced - Ages 19 - 28