Peter and Audrey Switzer Trophy Room

Strings - Marjorie Lofft Senior String Trophy

Donated By: Marjorie Lofft, St. Marys
First Presented: 1983
Criteria: Best or Most Promising Strings Player - Senior Level

Marjorie Lofft was a well-known violinist, violin teacher and accompanist in her hometown of St. Marys. She was highly regarded as a teacher and had the opportunity of guiding many young violinists at the start of their careers. Many achieved distinction in music festivals in Stratford, London and Woodstock and some went on to choose music as a career.

She retired from teaching only months before her death in 1990, after more than 60 years in the field - one of the longest musical teaching careers in Ontario.

In addition to preparing her students for competition in the Kiwanis Music Festival, Marjorie served on the Festival's Music Selection Committee for Strings in 1989 and 1990.


2024Sean Carter
2023Theodora Chung

Eligible Classes

StringsSolo - Canadian Composer4969Senior - Ages 17 - 18
StringsSolo - By Level4956Level 10 (Time limit: 10 min)
StringsList A/String Concerto By Level4913Level 10
StringsUnaccompanied Strings5005Levels 10
StringsSolo - Recital4992Level 10
StringsList B/String Sonata By Level4919Level 10
Previous PQProvincial Qualifying4943Level 10