Peter and Audrey Switzer Trophy Room

Strings - Lorne C. Small Memorial Trophy

Donated By: H.A. Clark, Esq., Woodstock
First Presented: 1943
Criteria: Strings - Stratford Competitor - Highest Mark

Lorne C. Small, a talented violinist, competed in the Stratford Musical Festival from 1931 through 1938 in violin solo and duet classes 'with distinction'.

While training to be a pilot in the Second World War, Sergeant Pilot Small was killed in an airplane crash over Canadian soil. His teacher, Henry Clark, donated the Lorne C. Small Trophy for the competitor from Stratford with the highest marks in strings in his memory.


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Eligible Classes

2025 Provincial QualifyingClassical Lower Strings - Levels 1-5 - Solo34003Level 3