Peter and Audrey Switzer Trophy Room

Piano - Norman Wilks Challenge Trophy

Donated By: Norman Wilks, M. C. Hon. Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto
First Presented: 1936
Criteria: Best Performance of a Canadian Composer Piano Solo

The Stratford Music Festival has always been fortunate to obtain the services of outstanding adjudicators. Norman Wilks was a world famous musician and Principal of the Ontario Conservatory of Music. He served as an adjudicator for piano Classes in 1930, 1935 and 1938. In 1940, he was an Honorary Patron of the Stratford Music Festival.

The 1945 Program printed the following In Memoriam after his death: "our beloved friend, Norman Wilks ... who contributed so much to the development of the Stratford Music Festival as Adjudicator".

This trophy was originally given for Beethoven Solo.
It has been reassigned to the Canadian Composer classes.


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Eligible Classes

PianoJunior - North American Composer3809Pre-Level 1 - Level 3
PianoJunior - North American Composer3810Level 4 - 6
PianoIntermediate - Canadian Composer3888Level 7
PianoIntermediate - Canadian Composer3889Level 8
PianoIntermediate - Canadian Composer3890Level 9
PianoSenior - Canadian Composer3952Open - ARCT
PianoSenior - Canadian Composer3953Later Stages - Ages 29 & over
PianoSenior - Canadian Composer3954Level 10