Peter and Audrey Switzer Trophy Room

Non- School Choirs - Beacon Herald Trophy

Donated By: The Stratford Beacon Herald
Criteria: Church choir (35 or less) SATB

The Beacon Herald has supported the Festival since its earliest days. A column published in 1927 described how the Perth County Music Teachers' Federation, seizing upon the idea proposed by W.B. Rothwell, prepared for and carried out the first Perth County Musical Festival from May 7 to 10 that year. In every year thereafter, the Beacon Herald has promoted the Festival by printing articles featuring its events, adjudicators, competitors and results. In 1941, it donated the Beacon Herald Challenge Trophy for Madrigal Ensembles.

In an editorial dated February 28, 1959, the writer described the Kiwanis Music Festival of Stratford as "one of the steadily-progressive culture projects of this community.... which it has closely observed and warmly supported …through its years of upward climb". The writer goes on to encourage readers to "stimulate an invaluable civic asset…by attending more sessions during the (Festival) period".

Eligible Classes

Community ChoirsSenior Choir1617Senior Choir - Female Choir
Community ChoirsSenior Choir1618Senior Choir - Male Choir
Community ChoirsSenior Choir1619Senior Choir - Jazz, Pop, Swing Choir
Community ChoirsSenior Choir1622Senior Citizens Choir